Nagoya University
Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory

Date&Time Fri May 24 2019 (13:30 - 14:30)
Ken Shiozaki
Affiliation YITP
Title Fermionic partial transpose and non-local order parameters for SPT phases of fermions
Abstract We introduced a fermionic partial transpose so that it simulates the path-integral of fermions over nonorientable pin manifolds in the operator formalism. As an application, we proposed a non-local order parameter, which is made of a density matrix and the time-reversal transformation, for diagnosing symmetry protected topological phases of fermions with time-reversal symmetry.Refs:KS-Shapourian-Gomi-Ryu, arXiv:1710.01886Shapourian-KS-Ryu, arXiv:1607.03896KS-Ryu, arXiv:1607.06504KS-Shapourian-Ryu, arXiv:1609.05970Shapourian-KS-Ryu, arXiv:1611.07536