Nagoya University
Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory

Date&Time Fri Jun 07 2019 (13:30 - 14:30)
Nobuhito Maru
Affiliation Osaka City University
Title Dark Matter in Gauge-Higgs Unification
Abstract I will talk about our recent work on dark matter physics in GHU. Two possibilities are focused on. One is a fermionic dark matter (DM). DM is identified with the lightest mass eigenstate among the components in a pair of vector-like SU(3) multiplet fermions. In the original model description, the DM communicates with the Standard Model particles only through the bulk gauge interaction, and hence our model is the GHU version of the MDM scenario. There are two typical realizations of the DM in 4-dimensional effective theory: (i) the DM particle is mostly composed of the SM SU(2)L multiplets, or (ii) the DM is mostly composed of the SM SU(2)L singlets. We identify an allowed parameter region to be consistent with the current experimental constraints. In the presence of the bulk fermions in higher-dimensional SU(3) representations, we reproduce the 125 GeV Higgs boson mass through the renormalization group evolution of Higgs quartic coupling with the compactification scale of 10-100 TeV. The other is a SU(2) doublet vector dark matter with the same quantum number as the Standard Model Higgs doublet. Since such an SU(2) doublet vector field is incorporated in any models of the GHU scenario, it is model- independent candidate for the DM in the scenario. The observed relic density is reproduced through a DM pair annihilations into the weak gauge bosons with a TeV-scale DM mass. Due to the higher-dimensional gauge structure of the GHU scenario, a pair of the DM has no direct coupling with a single Z- boson/Higgs boson, so that the DM particle evades the severe constraint from the current direct DM search experiments.