Nagoya University
Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory

Date&Time Fri Jun 14 2019 (13:30 - 14:30)
Katsushi Ito
Affiliation Tokyo Institute of Technology
Title TBA equations and resurgent Quantum Mechanics
Abstract We derive a system of TBA equations governing the exact WKB periods in onedimensional Quantum Mechanics with arbitrary polynomial potentials. These equations providea generalization of the ODE/IM correspondence, and they can be regarded as the solution of aRiemann–Hilbert problem in resurgent Quantum Mechanics formulated by Voros. Our derivationbuilds upon the solution of similar Riemann–Hilbert problems in the study of BPS spectra in N =2 gauge theories and of minimal surfaces in AdS. We also show that our TBA equations, combinedwith exact quantization conditions, provide a powerful method to solve spectral problems inQuantum Mechanics. We illustrate our general analysis with a detailed study of PT-symmetriccubic oscillators and quartic oscillators.