Nagoya University
Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory

Date&Time Mon Apr 24 2023 (14:45 - 15:45)
Kazuhiro Sakai
Affiliation Meiji-gakuin University
Title Spectral form factor in the tau-scaling limit
Abstract We study the spectral form factor (SFF) of general 2d topological gravity in the limit of large time and fixed temperature, commonly known as the tau-scaling limit. SFF is a useful diagnostic of the late-time chaos and is studied in many areas of physics. For chaotic systems the SFF exhibits a characteristic behavior called the ramp and plateau as a function of time. In 2d gravities that are holographically dual to chaotic systems, the mechanism of the ramp is well understood but that of the plateau has remained mysterious until recently. In this talk I will review recent developments of topological gravity (which includes Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity as a special case) and explain how the SFF and its n-point generalization are calculated and understood perturbatively with respect to the genus counting parameter of the dual matrix model.