Nagoya University
Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory

Date&Time Tue Oct 31 2023 (17:00 - 18:00)
Ayuki Kamada
Affiliation University of Warsaw
Title Self-interacting dark matter: strong or resonant interaction
Abstract According to the lack of signals in conventional dark-matter (DM) searches, gravitational probes have been attracting growing interests. Structure formation of the Universe is also a unique way to examine the possibility that dark matter has a sizable self-interaction (SIDM). Observations of DM halos in a wide range of masses, from ultra-faint dwarf galaxies to galaxy clusters, may indicate that the SIDM cross section strongly depends on the velocity. In this talk, after reviewing the current status of SIDM, we introduce two interesting possibilities, which appear to be compatible with current observations: self-interaction is very strong or resonant. We discuss the evolution of these DM halos and possible observational signatures.
Remarks Zoom link: Meeting ID: 882 4383 7655 Passcode: 292704