Nagoya University
Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory

Date&Time Tue Dec 12 2023 (17:00 - 18:00)
Junsei Tokuda
Affiliation IBS
Title Gravitational positivity bounds: implications for the swampland program
Abstract In the context without gravity, it has been known that the S-matrix positivity bounds offer a useful tool to derive ultraviolet constraints on low-energy effective field theories. We show the approximate positivity bounds in the presence of gravity based on the Reggeization of graviton exchange in quantum gravity. We then assume the validity of gravitational positivity bounds and discuss the implications of the bounds for phenomenological models. Interestingly, we obtain strong bounds on the simplest dark photon models which can be compared with experimental bounds, while the Standard Model easily satisfies the bounds. These results give phenomenological motivations for further studies of the gravitational amplitude in the Regge limit. We briefly introduce our recent attempt to constrain gravitational Regge amplitude based on the so-called finite energy sum rules (FESRs).