Nagoya University
Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory

Date&Time Tue Jan 30 2024 (17:00 - 18:00)
Kazuki Sakurai
Affiliation Warsaw University
Title Quantum Information at Colliders
Abstract Quantities and concepts in quantum information theory (QIT), such as entropy and Bell-nonlocality, play an important role in the development of quantum technologies as well as in deepening our understanding of quantum field theory and gravity. Recently, an effort to observe QIT quantities at the LHC and future colliders has been started and attracted attention. In this talk, after briefly reviewing the recent progress on this topic, I will present my recent works based on 2211.10513 and 2310.01477. The first part is a study of observing the spin-entanglement of two tau-leptons produced from the Higgs decay. The second part concerns entanglement among three particles in 3-body particle decays.