Nagoya University
Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory

Date&Time Tue Apr 16 2024 (17:00 - 18:00)
Hiromi Ebisu
Affiliation YITP, Kyoto University
Title Fracton topological phases in view of multipole symmetry
Abstract Fracton topological phases now have diverse research interests,  involving various branches of physics, such as condensed matter physics, and high-energy physics. Distinctive feature of these phases is that mobility constraints are imposed on fractionalized quasi-particle excitations (i.e., anyons), giving rise to sub-extensive ground state degeneracy on a torus geometry. Due to this property, one faces an issue with the UV/IR mixing, implying incapability to resort to preexisting theoretical frameworks, such as topological field theories. In this talk, we discuss a new type of symmetry, which has emerged in the context of the fracton topological phases -- multipole symmetry, associated with conservation of multipoles (e.g, dipole) as well as global charges. We propose BF theories, consisting of gauge fields related to such a symmetry and see how fracton topological phases can be constructed. *This talk is based on recent joint works with M. Honda and T. Nakanishi arXiv:2310.06701
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