Date&Time | Mon Jun 03 2024 (13:00 - 14:00) |
Speaker | Takashi Hiramatsu |
Affiliation | Rikkyo University |
Title | Dynamical simulations of colliding superconducting strings |
Abstract | I am going to talk about the numerical results of the collisions of elastic superconducting strings, also referred to as current-carrying strings, formed in a U(1)_local x U(1)_global field-theory model, reported in our recent paper arXiv:2312.16091. The breaking of U(1)_local leads to string formation via the Higgs mechanism, while the scalar field of the second U(1)_global carries the current, which condenses onto the string. We construct straight and static superconducting string solutions numerically and identify the regions in which they exist in the model parameter space. Using our field-theoretic simulation code, we then perform dynamical simulations for colliding superconducting strings with various collision angles and collision velocities. We then find that the outcome of the collision process can be classified into four categories: (i) regular intercommutation, (ii) double intercommutation, (iii) bound state, and (iv) expanding string solution, which is summarised diagramatically in the parameter space of the collision velocity and angle. The numerical experiments in the present study have some implications for future work on the time evolution of cosmic superconducting string networks. The impact of such strings on cosmology and astrophysics will also be discussed. |
Remarks | |
Slide/Video | video1 |