Nagoya University
Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory

Date&Time Tue Jul 09 2024 (17:00 - 18:00)
Takashi Shimomura
Affiliation Miyazaki Univ.
Title Freeze-in sterile neutrino dark matter in feeble gauged B-L model
Abstract We reexamine sterile neutrino dark matter scenario in gauged B-L model. The possibility of the sterile neutrino DM has been studied in freeze-in mechanism by analyzing the scatterings of B-L gauge bosons (Z') and SM particles. In this talk, we take into account on-shell productions of Z' and B-L breaking scalar (phi) through inverse decays, and also photon-Z' conversion in photon bath, which were disregarded in past studies. We will find these processes play important role for the DM production. As a result, the gauge coupling constant must be small (g_{B-L} = 10^-13 --- 10^-10) in the case where the dark matter is produced from phi decay. When the phi decay into DM is kinematically forbidden, the DM is generated by the scattering of Z′. We will see that such a case can be explored in the FASER experiment.
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