Nagoya University
Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory

Date&Time Wed Oct 16 2024 (13:00 - 14:00)
Hiromasa Takaura
Affiliation YITP, Kyoto U.
Title New analysis method in asymptotically free theories: from high energy expansion to low energy behavior
Abstract Understanding the QCD dynamics has been a theoretical challenge for a long time. Although the asymptotic freedom allows for high energy expansion based on the OPE, the so-called renormalon problem poses a serious problem; it is difficult to properly separate `perturbative' and ' nonperturbative' contributions and thus difficult to improve accuracy systematically. Another big challenge is, needless to say, analyzing the low energy behavior theoretically. I explain a new analysis method based on the inverse Laplace transform, which can tackle these problems. The O(N) nonlinear sigma model on two dimensions, which is a solvable model, is mainly considered in this talk to illustrate how the method works.
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