Nagoya University
Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory

Date&Time Tue Nov 19 2024 (17:00 - 18:00)
Masanori Hanada
Affiliation Queen Mary University of London
Title Geometry from Wave Packet
Abstract In this talk, I will explain how matrix degrees of freedom in the matrix model or super Yang-Mills theory can describe holographic emergent geometry. A key concept is wave packet in the space of matrices (for matrix model, R^{9N^2} rather than R^9). For (3+1)-d super Yang-Mills theory, we need to consider two different notions of wave packet: wave packet in the space of matrices ("matrix wave packet"), and wave packet in the ordinary 3d space ("QFT wave packet"). By combining two notions, we obtain a "bulk wave packet". We propose that the bulk wave packet is the physical object in QFT that describes the emergent geometry from entanglement. This proposal sets a unified view on two seemingly different mechanisms of holographic emergent geometry: one based on matrix eigenvalues and the other based on quantum entanglement. References: M. Hanada, "Bulk geometry in gauge/gravity duality and color degrees of freedom,'' Phys. Rev. D \textbf{103}, no.10, 106007 (2021) [arXiv:2102.08982 [hep-th]]. V. Gautam, M. Hanada and A. Jevicki, "Operator algebra, quantum entanglement, and emergent geometry from matrix degrees of freedom,'' arXiv:2406.13364 [hep-th].