Nagoya University
Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory

Date&Time Tue Dec 20 2022 (17:00 - 18:00)
Masahiro Ibe
Affiliation ICRR
Title Gauge kinetic mixing and dark topological defects
Abstract We discuss how the topological defects in the dark sector affect the Standard Model sector when the dark photon has a kinetic mixing with the QED photon. In particular, we consider the dark photon appearing in the successive gauge symmetry breaking, SU(2) → U(1) → Z2, where the remaining Z2 is the center of SU(2). We see that the dark cosmic string induces the QED magnetic flux inside the dark string through the kinetic mixing while the dark monopole does not induce the QED magnetic flux in the U(1) symmetric phase. We also show that the dark “bead" solution induces a spherically symmetric QED magnetic flux through the kinetic mixing while the QED Bianchi identity is intact.